The NUL Clash of brains high school regional debate elimination round for national qualifiers held at Soofia International School on 17-Marc-2018 had five schools locking horns with Soofia clinching first position.
The main debate was between Soofia International School and St-Boniface High School in which the trio Soofia girls stood stronger on the motion “This house believes that compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by the previous generations “.
Apart from clinching position one, Reabetsoe Mohlapo, Soofia International second speaker was nominated best speaker of the session following being nominated best speaker again on the motion “This house needs to do away with Olympic games” against Eagles English Medium School while Masikilo Nkhahle was the third best speaker.
The main debate session on compensation made St-Boniface to settle on second position with Puleng their first speaker nominated third speaker. The second best speaker was a boy from Eagles English Medium School.
The contesting schools were Soofia International School,St-Boniface High School,Molapo High School,’Makhethisa High School and Eagles English Medium High School.
The winning schools in the Northern region will contest at National Level on the 5th May 2018 in Maseru.
The adjudicators were a brilliant team of lawyers from Maseru led by Mr Tjeka Tjeka Thakeli while NUL organisers of the clash of Brains High School debate was led by Mr Tebello Mokoena.