Imagine you are in a store and stumble across handbag loaded with money. Or the new house you just moved into has a trash bag stuffed with cash. What would you do? Pay off a few bills or get that special item you have been wanting for a long time? Could you fight off the temptation to keep it, and search for the owner and return the money? The grade 11A did.

They found sum of M2000 lying on the floor of their class and collectively they chose to return it. It never crossed their minds to keep the money as it is not theirs to keep.


This kind of gesture does not occur very often. It is good and remarkable and as a result earns them Class of the Month of February. We are proud of you guys.

Please accept our congratulations on your well deserved accolade and recognition.



In life, the people we all most enjoy being near are those who radiate joy wherever they are. Kamoho Rapotsane, the grade 10C student, is this person. Kamoho, even though they say no one is perfect, is a perfect example of good behavior and cleanliness (uniform), a role model to others in attitude, appearance and look. It is a true pleasure to have Kamoho in our school, and we are more than proud to have him as our February Student of the Month.


True scholar, sporting excellence, good dancer and compassionate person are some of the titles one can use to describe the grade 11A Ts’ebeletso Mots’oari, the February Student of the Month. Ts’ebeletso actively participates in class and in extra-curricular activities. She is in a nutshell shell an epitome of discipline and talent. She is therefore very deserving of the recognition and we are thrilled and excited to have her as our February student of the Month.

TEACHERS OF THE MONTH – Mrs Matsoetlane and Miss Mathews


Apart from continual making impact on students and others, early arrival and honouring of duty are some of the qualities of good and exemplary teachers. Ms. Mathews Rosely and Mrs. Thokozile Matsoetlane both embody these qualities.

We are therefore very proud to have them as our Teachers for the month of February.