The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE Advanced Level) or more commonly, the A Level, is a school leaving qualification offered by the education body -Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) in more than 160 countries. It prepares learners aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university or higher education. Candidates who have completed their IGCSE/LGCSE/O-Level or equivalent level successfully may be admitted to do this programme.

The Cambridge A-Level is completed by a student over a period of two years and is split into two parts, withone part studied ineach year.

The first year is called the Advanced Subsidiary level, or AS Level.

Thesecond year is known as the A2 Level.

The AS Level is a qualification in its ownright, and the AS Level combined with the A2 Level form the complete A-Level qualification.

A number of countries use Cambridge A-Level as a University entry examination.

Many candidates up on completion their IGCSE/LGCSE cross over toSouth Africa to take 4-5 AS-Levelsubjects as the bridging to obtain admission in South African universities.



Soofia International School (SIS) wants to lays  solid foundation for its students’ educational journey. Cambridge As/A levels help our school improve learners’ performance as well as academic and career options. Learners develop not only knowledge and understanding, but also skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving, helping them to perform well and prepare for the tertiary education.


Cambridge International Examinations, CIE is the world’s largest provider of international education programs and qualifications for 5 to 19 year olds. SIS is affiliated to the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s top universities and trusted for excellence in education. Cambridge qualifications are recognized by the world’s universities and employers. As &A-levels are internationally recognized qualifications that are required for entry into many university courses and professional training programmes. As &A-levels can help learners:


  • get a place at college or university at home or abroad
  • Explore the subjects they love.
  • find better career opportunities
  • pass the language tests for emigrating or studying in another country
  • develop skills that help you lead a more exciting and successful life


Thousands of learners use Cambridge International AS and A Levels every year to gain places at leading universities worldwide, including the UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. They are regarded as a passport to success. All UK universities and over 450 US universities accept Cambridge International A -Level qualifications, including Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Yale. In places such as the US and Canada, good grades in carefully chosen Cambridge International A Level subjects can result in up to one year of university course credit.

Having studied the Advanced Level curricula of several countries, we (SIS) have chosen to offer the Cambridge University Curriculum based on the benefits and recognition it commands.



The aims of SIS’s As/A level program are to;

  • Provide quality education to children in Lesotho so that they can compete favorably locally and globally.
  • Develop an understanding of the global needs and expectations in learners, who are the global leaders of tomorrow.
  • Improve the standard of the school to be world class.
  • Saving the unnecessarily long time spent tarrying at school, however slow learners will still have ample time they need.
  • Boost the morale of the students towards standing for their rights in the global arena.
  • Equip the students with positive self-concept and confidence in themselves.
  • Broaden the career spectrum for the students.
  • Expose the students to work hard, research and knowledge-oriented approach towards their studies.
  • Level the curriculum to be consistent with the ever changing demands of the globe.
  • Change the students into survivors in the society where the motto is survival of the fittest.



Our studies reveal that learners who have successfully completed IGCSE/COSC/LGCSE/O-Level and wish to study courses like Medicine and Engineering have to bridge or to spend some year(s) doing BSC before they can get admissions into these courses.

With this observation we wish to offer Cambridge AS and A-Level education to learners who wish to further their studies in:

  • Medical Science
  • Engineering
  • Earth sciences
  • Statistics
  • Sports sciences

To make the program more accommodating and thus to benefit many, we shall also offer subjects leading to:

  • Law
  • Mass communication
  • Accounting
  • Economics



Having studied the Higher Education South Africa (HESA) for exemption into South African Universities and entry requirements of universities and tertiary institutions of other countries, SIS will accept the following as entry requirements:

  1. AS-Level entrants must have passed 5 subjects with a minimum of a C grade at IGCSE/COSC/LGCSE/O-Level. This should include English.
  2. A-Level students should have passed either:
  3. 5 subjects with a minimum grade of C including English at IGCSE/COSC/LGCSE/O-Level. These can be allowed to offer 2 A-Level subjects after the successful completion of AS Level or,
  4. 4 subjects with a minimum grade of C at IGCSE/COSC/LGCSE/O-Level. These students will have to offer a minimum of 3 A-Level subjects. One of these subjects may include English Language which will be written at AS Level and then advance to year 2 with the remaining 2 subjects.

A student may not offer a subject which one did not offer at IGCSE/COSC/LGCSE/O-Level except Sociology, physical education and psychology.


There are 3 options to be enrolled into the Cambridge International AS and A Level:

Option one

Learners take the Cambridge International AS Level only. The syllabus content for Cambridge International AS Level is half of Cambridge International A level.

Option two

Learners take the Cambridge International AS Level in year 1 and in Year 2 complete the Cambridge International A- Level.

Option three

Learners take all papers of the Cambridge International A-Level course in the same examination series, usually at the end of their second year of study.



The AS-Level is to be offered in only one year while the A-Level is a two year program.





The subject combinations will vary according to future career options of candidates, however, the following are being considered in line with our target groups.


  • Physics, chemistry and biology
  • Mathematics, physics and chemistry
  • Mathematics, physical science and biology
  • Mathematics, physical science and computing
  • Mathematics, physics and geography
  • Mathematics, physical science and geography
  • Mathematics, accounting and economics
  • Mathematics, accounting and computing/ICT
  • Geography, English literature and economics
  • French, Sociology and Psychology
  • And so on
  1. Maximum of 20 candidates will be enrolled for each subject in a class.